How can I update my outdated manifest v2 code to manifest v3 for my Google Chrome Extension?

Currently, I am developing an extension and using a template from a previous YouTube video that is based on manifest v2. However, I am implementing manifest v3 in my extension. Can anyone guide me on how to update this specific piece of code?

"background": {
        "persistent": true

Upon testing the extension in Chrome, I encountered the following error:

Failed to load extension
File: ~/Chrome extenions /BackgroundChanger
Error: The "background.persistent" key cannot be used with manifest_version 3. Use the "background.service_worker" key instead.
Could not load manifest.

I assumed that manifest v2 and v3 would have some similarities but seems like there are significant differences.

Answer №1

For more information on transitioning to the new extension model, check out this migration guide:

The issue you are facing is likely due to the presence of a scripts property within the background object. To resolve this, you should replace it with

"service_worker": "popup.js"

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