Tips for choosing multiple values from a dropdown menu in Bootstrap CSS version 3

I'm looking to implement a way to select multiple values from a dropdown menu without using the CTRL key. Currently, I am utilizing Bootstrap CSS for styling.

Here is the code for my dropdown:

  <select multiple class="dropdown-menu">
        <option value="monday">Monday</option>
        <option value="tuesday">Tuesday</option>
        <option value="wednesday">Wednesday</option>
        <option value="thursday">Thursday</option>
        <option value="friday">Friday</option>
        <option value="saturday">Saturday</option>
        <option value="sunday">Sunday</option>

Is it possible to select multiple values without using the CTRL key with the help of jQuery or JavaScript?

Additionally, I would like to limit the selection to not more than two or three values. Is this feasible?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Answer №1

Here is a method to achieve multi-select without needing to use ctrl click.

$('option').mousedown(function(e) {

$(this).prop('selected', $(this).prop('selected') ? false : true);

alert($("#mySelect :selected").length);//select option selected count
//if($("#mySelect :selected").length==2)
//some stuff
return false;
<script src=""></script>
<select multiple="multiple" id="mySelect">
    <option id="1">Option</option>
    <option id="2">Option</option>
    <option id="3">Option</option>
    <option id="4">Option</option>

Check out this reference for more information.

Answer №2

$('.dropdown-menu option').on('mousedown', function(event) {
    $(this).prop('selected', !$(this).prop('selected'));
    return false;

Answer №3

If you're looking to enhance dropdown functionality, consider using plugins like "Multiselect" or "chosen". 1. Check out this example of Multiselect plugin in action 2. Explore the features of the Chosen plugin here

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