Tips for choosing a sibling element on hover using CSS

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the rect element change color to purple when the text is highlighted. Right now, only the text color is changing. Is there a way to achieve this using just CSS?

The goal is for the rect to turn purple on hover over the text.

.chart rect {
  //fill: steelblue;
  stroke: black;
.x.axis path {
  display: none;
text {
  text-anchor: middle;
rect:hover {
  fill: purple;
rect ~ text:hover {
  fill: purple
<svg class="chart" width="800" height="60>
  <g transform="translate(108.2258064516129,30)">
    <rect width="206.4516129032258" height="29" fill="orange"></rect>
    <text x="103.2258064516129" y="15" dy=".35em">ABB vs BBA</text>
    <text x="103.2258064516129" y="-20" dy=".35em" style="fill: black;">Round 2</text>

Answer №1

Instead of using fill in this code snippet:

rect ~ text:hover {
  fill: purple;

… you can replace it with pointer-events: none:

rect ~ text {
  pointer-events: none;

This change will ensure that the focus remains within the rectangle even when hovering over the text content.

Snippet Example:

.chart rect {
    stroke: black;
.x.axis path {
    display: none;
text {
    text-anchor: middle;
rect:hover {
    fill: purple;
rect ~ text {
    pointer-events: none;
<svg class="chart" width="800" height="60">
    <g transform="translate(108.2258064516129,30)">
        <rect width="206.4516129032258" height="29" fill="orange"></rect>
        <text x="103.2258064516129" y="15" dy=".35em">ABB vs BBA</text>
        <text x="103.2258064516129" y="-20" dy=".35em" style="fill: black;">Round 2</text>

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