Tips for avoiding anti-aliasing of bitmap font on Internet Explorer and Firefox

I am currently experiencing issues with font smoothing when using a basic bitmap font for icons.

While the font appears crisp in Chrome, it appears blurry in IE and FF. Do you have any recommendations on how to resolve this problem?

You can view a screenshot of the issue here:

The font was originally created with

The @font-face was generated by , using optimal settings. I also attempted to remove font hinting with the same results.

Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

The variation in text appearance across different browsers and operating systems is due to differences in text rendering. It seems that webkit browsers such as Safari and Chrome typically use the subpixel-antialiased setting by default. You can experiment with adjusting the font-smooth css property, but its compatibility may vary. Typekit offers a range of informative articles on text rendering that may interest you. However, if you require consistent text appearance across multiple browsers, using an image sprite may be your most reliable solution.

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