Tips for arranging div elements in a grid-like matrix layout

I am facing a challenge in arranging multiple rectangular divs into a grid structure with 10 columns and 10 rows. The CSS styles for the top, bottom, left, or right positions must be in percentages to accommodate zoom in and out functionality without overlapping issues. Despite my efforts, the divs are stacking vertically instead of forming a grid layout as intended. Here is the code snippet I have been working on:

setCss = function($divId,$len) {
    alert("xmlLength is :"+$len);
    alert("set CSS::"+$divId);
    if ($len<3)//(i%2==0)
        var size = 10;


    if (i>=3 )
        var size = 10;



I have experimented with various combinations but have not achieved the desired result yet. Any guidance on how to tackle this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're looking to organize columns and rows, here are a few options:

  • One option is to create a table.
  • You can also set display:inline-block for the divs, and every 10th div add an extra empty div with display:block.
  • Alternatively, you can use float-left for the divs, and after every 10 divs, add clear:right to break to a new line.

For the second and third options, make sure to set min-width:[10*divWidth] for the container.


It appears that absolute positioned divs are being used.

In this case, you can loop through all the divs with an index i. If i%10 == 0, increase the top property and reset the left position.

Or, for a more efficient solution without tracking current top and left values,

var cols=10,
for(var i=0;i<cols*rows;i++){
    var c=d.cloneNode(false);*hei+'px';*wid+'px';

Check out the implementation in this jsfiddle:

Edit 2:

If you prefer to create all elements first and then position them,

// Setting up variables
var cols=10,

//Creating elements
for(var i=0;i<cols*rows;i++){
    var c=d.cloneNode(false);

//Positioning elements
for(var i=0;i<wrap.childNodes.length;i++){
function setCSS(i){
    var el=wrap.childNodes[i];*hei+'px';*wid+'px';

(I'm using

<div id="wrapper"></div>
as the container instead of directly appending to the body)

View the updated code here:

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