Tips for aligning two TD elements with varying lengths in the same row:- Consider setting a specific width for each

Can anyone assist me in properly aligning this structure? I am looking to reduce the height of the "Todays Special" td significantly. The size of this td expands based on the content, for example, if new fruits are added. Any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

    <td class="title">Todays Special</td>
      <div style="height: 120px; width:100%;overflow-y:auto;">
        <table style="height: auto; width:100%;" valign="top">
            <tr style="vertical-align: baseline;">
              <td colspan="4" class="title">6</td>
              <td colspan="4" class="title">mango</td>
            <tr style="vertical-align: baseline;">
              <td colspan="4" class="title">23</td>
              <td colspan="4" class="title">orange</td>
            <tr style="vertical-align: baseline;">
              <td colspan="4" class="title">29</td>
              <td colspan="4" class="title">banana</td>
            <tr style="vertical-align: baseline;">
              <td colspan="4" class="title">47</td>
              <td colspan="4" class="title">papaya</td>
            <tr style="vertical-align: baseline;">
              <td colspan="4" class="title">11959</td>
              <td colspan="4" class="title">kiwi</td>

Answer №1

When customizing the "Daily Deal" table data cell, adjust the width and font size using the style attribute of the td element. Additionally, specify the alignment as needed. Since you are not converting a row into a table header, apply distinct styles to the primary td and remaining table cells. Trust this information proves valuable.

Answer №2

To ensure the column Todays's Special matches the same height, adjust the rowspan based on the number of items in the list.

<td class="title" rowspan="5">Todays Special</td>

    <table style="height: auto;" valign="middle">
                <td class="title" rowspan="5">Todays Special</td>
                <td class="title">6</td>
                <td class="title">mango</td>
                <td class="title">23</td>
                <td class="title">orange</td>
                <td class="title">29</td>
                <td class="title">banana</td>
                <td class="title">47</td>
                <td class="title">papaya</td>
                <td class="title">11959</td>
                <td >kiwi</td>

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