Tips for aligning buttons in a row

I am trying to find a way to make my buttons more compact within a <div> element when the length exceeds 100%. Is there a way to achieve this while avoiding wrapping to a second line?

Is there a solution similar to using scaleX, but one that takes into account the width of all available buttons?

Sample Code:

<div class="something">
  <button>some text</button>
  <button>some other text</button>
  <button>another example</button>

Example: I am aiming to densify the buttons (text font) in order to keep them all on a single line within the original div width.

Answer №1

To condense the appearance, consider including button { padding: 0 }. For further adjustments, try adding

.something { word-spacing: -0.3em }; button { word-spacing: 0 }

As for altering font size based on width availability, it may pose accessibility issues and browser limitations. Fonts cannot always be reduced below a certain threshold set by the browser.

If breaking lines within buttons is acceptable, you can control button width and text wrapping with this method:

button { padding: 0; max-width: 14%; float: left; }

Alternatively, you can manually insert line breaks into the buttons like so:


Answer №2

.another-class button {
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

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