Change the class of an element only within the div that is directly below it

Trying to achieve:

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In my navigation menu, I have two folders with subpages under them. The CSS for displaying the page titles within the folder is as follows:

.main-nav .subnav ul {display:none;
transition: all 100ms ease-in-out;

.main-nav .subnav ul.expand {
display: block;

I am using jQuery to toggle the class .expand on click to show the titles:


$(".main-nav li.folder").click(function(){
$(".main-nav .subnav ul").toggleClass("expand");

I am trying to modify it so that only the clicked folder's elements display instead of showing all folders at once.

Your help is appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Your script is triggering the click event on every element with the class .subnav. You were so close to achieving your objective. Instead of adjusting/expanding the css for all classes, you should utilize $(this).

In my demonstration, I employ this approach to target all ".subnav ul" within the current element and then toggle the css accordingly.

$(".main-nav li.folder").click(function(){
   $(this).find('.subnav ul').toggleClass("expand");

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