Tips for adjusting the width of v-text-field in Vuetify?

I have a v-text-field component within a toolbar that is taking up too much space. How can I adjust the width of the text-field to make it smaller?

    <v-btn rounded>Button 1</v-btn>
    <v-btn icon>
    <v-btn icon>

Answer №1

Because the toolbar is styled with display:flex, you have the option to utilize the class="shrink"...

            append-icon="mdi-magnify" class="shrink">

Check out the demo here:

Answer №2

To achieve this, you can use scoped styling in CSS:

<style scoped>
/deep/ .v-text-field{
      width: 400px;

For more detailed guidance, please refer to the Vuetify documentation.

Answer №3

To implement a solution using Vuetify, you can follow these steps: Simply enclose your v-text-field within a v-responsive element like this:

<v-responsive class="ma-0 pa-0" :width="`${input.length}.5rem`">
   <v-text-field v-model="input"/>

If needed, you have the flexibility to modify the width calculation using any custom JavaScript logic. This way, the text field will dynamically adjust based on the input provided.

Answer №4

One way to adjust the width of your v-text-field tag is by specifying it using the "width" attribute with a value in pixels:



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