Tips for adjusting the font size options within the Autocomplete feature of Material UI Version 5

Is there a way to adjust the font size of the drop-down items?

I have tried various methods to change the font size, including:

How do I change Material UI Autocomplete font size?

How to change fontsize of options in Material ui autocomplete?

Unfortunately, these methods don't seem to work for me, probably because they are intended for version 4.

Below is the code snippet for my Autocomplete component:

   renderInput={(params) => <TextField  {...params} label="Select VISA"/>}

Answer №1

I successfully customized the renderOption method.

    getOptionLabel={(option) => option.label}
    renderOption={(props, option) => (
        <Box style={{fontSize: 14}} {...props}>
    renderInput={(params) => <TextField  {...params} label="Select VISA"/>}

Answer №2

If you're wondering about customizing the font size of options in a select menu, one way to do it is by using renderOption and styling the font size accordingly. Here's an example code snippet for you to experiment with:

   renderInput={(params) => <TextField  {...params} label="Select VISA"/>}
   renderOption={(props, option) => (
             <Typography sx={{fontSize: 18}}>

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