Tips for adjusting a static-width website for optimal viewing on an iPad screen

Is there a way to make a 2560px wide website fit perfectly within an iPad's viewport without needing to scroll horizontally? Currently, the @viewport CSS is set as follows:

@viewport { 
  width: device-width; 
  max-zoom: .15; 
  orientation: landscape;
@-ms-viewport { 
  width: device-width; 
  max-zoom: .15; 
  orientation: landscape;
@-o-viewport  {
  width: device-width; 
  max-zoom: .15; 
  orientation: landscape;

This configuration scales the website to fit the iPad's viewport but requires horizontal scrolling to see the entire page. I need the website to be scaled inside the viewport with no need for horizontal scrolling, even if there's extra space in the viewport.

Any suggestions on how to scale a 2560px by 1440px website to fit an iPad's viewport? The website was originally designed for a monitor with those dimensions.

Thank you for any assistance!


I have adjusted the CSS @viewport to:

@viewport { 
  width: 2560px;
  height: 1440px;
  zoom: .05; 
  orientation: landscape;
@-ms-viewport { 
  width: 2560px;
  height: 1440px;
  zoom: .05; 
  orientation: landscape;
@-o-viewport  {
  width: 2560px;
  height: 1440px;
  zoom: .05; 
  orientation: landscape;
@-webkit-viewport  {
  width: 2560px;
  height: 1440px;
  zoom: .05; 
  orientation: landscape;
@-moz-viewport  {
  width: 2560px;
  height: 1440px;
  zoom: .05; 
  orientation: landscape;

The issue now is that there is some overflow beyond the viewport size, requiring right scrolling. I'm unable to adjust the width due to absolute positioning restrictions.


A solution has been found by setting the viewport meta tag as follows:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=2560, height=1440, initial-scale=.40, user-scalable=no">
With this adjustment and minor spacing considerations, the webpage now fits nicely within the iPad's viewport while preserving the 4:3 aspect ratio.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired size, you must specify the meta viewport as follows:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=2560,height=1440, initial-scale=1">

However, Google recommends using 'device-width' instead of a fixed viewport and making the website responsive.

Details on the latest web master tools update

Answer №2

Consider using width: 100%; instead of width: device-width;

Here is an example:

@viewport { 
  webkit-width: 100%; 
  webkit-max-zoom: .15; 
  webkit-orientation: landscape;
@-ms-viewport { 
  webkit-width: 100%; 
  webkit-max-zoom: .15; 
  webkit-orientation: landscape;
@-o-viewport  {
  webkit-width: 100%; 
  webkit-max-zoom: .15; 
  webkit-orientation: landscape;

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