Tips for adding styles to the first and last elements of a printed page

I have created a dummy code example that generates multiple paragraph elements with some text in it. However, I need to add borders to the first and last elements to enhance the design. Here is the code snippet:

<!doctype html>
      p {font-size: 20px;}
    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.onload = function () {
        var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
            p = document.createElement('p'),

 = '20px';
          p.innerText = 'Some Test';

        for (var i = 0, len=30; i<len; i++) {
          el = p.cloneNode(true);

Unfortunately, the CSS solutions I've found so far don't work as intended. I need a solution that specifically targets the first and last elements, and works in Chrome. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

EDIT: Some of the suggested CSS solutions include:

 border-top : solid 1px gray;
   border-top : solid 1px gray;


p:first-child {border-top : solid 1px gray;}
p:last-child {border-bottom : solid 1px gray;}

However, these solutions apply the styles to all paragraph elements, not just the first and last ones. I need a solution that targets only the first and last elements, and works specifically in Chrome.

Answer №1

If you're looking for a more advanced solution, one approach could involve determining the viewable page height using JavaScript or jQuery to calculate how many items can fit on a single page. You can then apply specific styles to the desired elements using nth-child(x) selectors. While not the most straightforward method, this could be effective if you have specific requirements such as browser compatibility or operating system constraints.


Here is a potential solution:

HTML: Simply use placeholder divs... Make sure to set your doctype correctly for $(window).height() to function properly!


$(document).ready(function () {

    // If including images, consider using $(window).load(function() {[...]} to ensure they are fully loaded before calculating heights

    var pageHeight = $(window).height(); // JS-only and IE-compatible approach (see my answer)
    var sumElementHeights = 0;
    var count = -3; // Offset to ensure border is within viewport

    for (var i = 0; i < $('div').length && sumElementHeights < pageHeight; i++, count++) {
        sumElementHeights += $('div').eq(count).height(); // Total div heights

    $('div').eq(0).css('border-top', '10px solid black');
    $('div').eq(count).css('border-bottom', '10px solid black');
    // You can loop this for each page as needed...       

PS: Consider adding code to adjust div borders if viewport size changes, like resizing the browser window.

PPS: Experiment with the count values based on the border sizes applied to elements.

Answer №2

To create a header and footer that appear on every page, you can use two containers positioned at the top and bottom of the page using position:fixed. This method is supported in Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer, but not in webkit browsers.

Check out the demo here

Based on some testing, the optimal CSS values for your containers are as follows:

#top {
  height: 2px;
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
#bottom {
  height: 2px;
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 1px;
  border-top: 1px solid #000;
p {
  padding-top: 20px;

Don't forget to structure your HTML like this:

<div id="top"></div>
<div id="bottom"></div>

Answer №3

If you couldn't care less about supporting outdated browsers, this solution is for you...

@media print
          border-top : solid 1px gray;
          border-bottom : solid 1px gray;

However, if you need compatibility with older browsers (especially IE), you'll need to implement a JavaScript workaround.

Answer №4

Experiment with first-child and last-child.

Take this example,

p {font-size: 20px;}
p:first-child {...} /* Insert your preferred style here */
p:last-child {...} /* Insert your preferred style here */

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