timings and pauses utilizing JavaScript

Currently, I am facing a challenge while working on a Simon Says game. My struggle lies in the part where I need to illuminate the buttons that the user has to click. I am using a "for" loop to iterate through each element in the array where I have stored the sequence. The aim is to traverse through the array for each round and illuminate the button accordingly. However, I am encountering an issue where the "for" loop is simultaneously changing the background of every div that has passed in the array, despite using a setTimeout function to pause at each button.

If you'd like to take a look at the codepen I am working on, here is the link:


function litSequence() {
  for (var i = 0; i < game.count.length; i++) {
    if (game.count[i] === 1) {
      game.blue.css("background-color", "cyan");
      setTimeout(function() {
        game.blue.css("background-color", "blue");
      }, 1500);

    } else if (game.count[i] === 2) {
      game.red.css("background-color", "pink");
      setTimeout(function() {
        game.red.css("background-color", "red");
      }, 1500);

    } else if (game.count[i] === 3) {
      game.green.css("background-color", " #4dff4d");
      setTimeout(function() {
        game.green.css("background-color", "green");
      }, 1500);

    } else if (game.count[i] === 4) {
      game.yellow.css("background-color", "orange");
      setTimeout(function() {
        game.yellow.css("background-color", "yellow");
      }, 1500);

Answer №1

When you use setTimeout, it doesn't halt your logic. Instead, it sets up a separate line of logic to execute after a specified time delay. Your main logic will continue running in the background, and only once the timeout finishes will the code inside it be executed. Because JavaScript is known for its speed, it's common for multiple setTimeouts within loops to fire almost simultaneously.

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