I have a webpage where I want to display a modal overlay when a user clicks on an image or link. Initially, the modal is hidden and empty using this HTML:
<!--// MODAL: ITEM PROFILE //-->
<div id="profile" class="modal" style="visibility: hidden">
<!--// OVERLAY //-->
<div id="overlay" style="visibility: hidden"></div>
To trigger the modal when a user interacts with an image or link, I use this function:
function itemModal(id){
var modal = $("#profile");
if (modal == null){
alert("Modal not found!");
if($(" #profile").style.visibility == "hidden"){
{ //Ajax call to get item data
type: "POST",
url: "/organizer/getItem",
data: { item_id: id },
dataType: "html",
success: function( responseText, textStatus, XHR )
// select the element with the ID profile and insert the HTML
$("#profile" ).html( responseText );
$("#profile").style.visibility = "visible";
$("#overlay").style.visibility = "visible"
else{ //Modal is being displayed, hide it and remove contents
$("#profile").style.visibility = "hidden";
$("#overlay").style.visibility = "hidden";
However, when trying to trigger the modal, I encounter the error message
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'visibility' of undefined
. Upon further investigation, I discovered that even though the profile element exists, its style attribute is showing up as null, despite having inline CSS defined for it and additional styling in another file. What could be causing the style attribute to be null?