There is a button on my website that uses a small piece of Javascript to post a tweet, but unfortunately, it is not functional on mobile devices

Check out this link to view the demonstration -

function sendTweet(message, author) {'' + encodeURIComponent('"' + message + '" ' + author + " via"));

$('button.tweet').click(function() {
  var currentQuote = $('#quote').text();
  var currentAuthor = $('#author').text();
  var truncatedString = truncateContent(currentQuote, currentAuthor)
  sendTweet(truncatedString, currentAuthor);

It works like a charm on desktop. It extracts the quote and creates a tweet perfectly, but when I try it on my iPhone by tapping the button, nothing happens. Any thoughts on why this issue might occur?

This is the logic behind the truncateContent function:

function truncateContent(content, auth) {
    var shorterContent = [];
    var charCounter = 0;
    contentSplit = content.split(" ");

    if (content.length > (113 - auth.length)) {
        for (var i = 0; i < contentSplit.length; i++) {
            if (charCounter < (113 - auth.length)) {
                charCounter += contentSplit[i].length + 1;
        return (shorterContent.join(" ") + "...");
    } else {
        return content;

Answer №1

Consider implementing a touch event for better user experience.

$('button.tweet').on("tap touchstart",function() {

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