Unforeseen box model quirks found in modern browsers when styling <table> elements

Here is a sample HTML document that demonstrates the issue:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <title>Box model test</title>
        <style type="text/css">
            html,body { margin:0; padding:0; background-color:#808080;}
            #box { position:absolute; top:20px; left:20px; background-color:Green; }
            #tbl { position:absolute; top:20px; left:40px; background-color:Red; }
            .common { width:20px; height:30px; border-bottom:solid 1px black; }
        <div id="box" class="common"></div>
        <table id="tbl" class="common"></table>

When using a combination of HTML5 doctype and X-UA-Compatible meta tag, most modern browsers should switch to their most standards-compliant mode. In this document, there are two absolutely-positioned elements - a <div> and a <table>. These elements have identical width, height, and border properties in CSS. However, when rendered in various browsers, they show unexpected differences as seen here:

Screenshot Link

The <div> (green) follows the box model rules where the content area includes the border height. On the other hand, the <table> (red) has its content area not including the border height. This inconsistency raises questions about the interpretation of element height in relation to borders. Is this behavior documented in W3C specifications? Can it be relied upon in future implementations?

Note: Testing was done on IE 7, IE 8, Opera 10.10, Safari 4.0.4, Chrome 3.0, Firefox 3.5, all showing the same rendering on Windows 7 x64.

Answer №1

Currently, I am encountering similar issues when trying to specify the height of a cell within a table. It seems that tables utilize the border-box model instead of the content-box model. I have a strong suspicion, although I do not have concrete evidence at this time, that this design choice was made to ensure compatibility with table-based layouts. For instance, if you set a width of 100% and add a border or margin, you may encounter scrolling problems (especially if your table occupies the entire window).

An advantage of the border-box model is its ability to easily achieve percentages minus pixel values. This can be challenging with the content-box model, but straightforward with the use of the border-box model. Thankfully, CSS3 now allows for the selection of the border-box model for block-level elements, a feature that could have been beneficial from the beginning. I recall hearing that IE5 initially implemented the border-box model due to specifications at the time, which were later altered.

A careful examination of the CSS specification related to table layout would likely confirm whether this hypothesis holds true.

The issue I am currently facing involves setting a cell's height to 200px, adding a 10px border and 20px padding, yet finding that getCalculatedStyle() reports a height of only 140px. This discrepancy arises despite my explicit instruction to set the height to 200px.

Sincerely, Allan

Answer №2

Quite intriguing. I have managed to make them behave in the same way, but only by including a <tr> and <td> in the table and setting both to border-collapse: collapse and display: table, as demonstrated here:


While not a definitive solution, it may shed some light on the issue.

Answer №3

Include a border-collapse: collapse property in the CSS for the element with id #tbl. Ensure that cell padding is still retained.

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