The width of the Bootstrap tooltip changes when hovered over

Currently, I am facing a peculiar issue with my angular web-application. Within the application, there is a matrix displaying data. When I hover over the data in this matrix, some basic information about the object pops up. Strangely, every time I hover over it with my cursor, the width changes from right to left.

This is how my HTML looks:

<table class="table table-bordered" style="margin-top: 22px">
        <colgroup *ngFor="let y of yArray">
             <col style="width: 5%" *ngFor="let x of xArray"/>
        <tr *ngFor="let y of yArray">
            <td *ngFor="let x of xArray" [style.background]="getBackground(y+1,x+1)" 
            [tooltip]="getTooltipContent(y+1,x+1)" placement="bottom">
            {{ setBerechnung(y+1, x+1).messwert}}&nbsp;

This is my GetTooltipContent-Function (TS/Angular):

 public getTooltipContent(yKoordinate: number, xKoordinate: number)
        const sensor = this.fullZoneResponse.sensorInSurface
            .filter(x => x.xKoordinate == xKoordinate && x.yKoordinate == yKoordinate);

        let zoneAssignment: IzoneAssignment[] = [];

        this.fullZonenResponse.zoneInSurface.forEach((value) => {

        const sensorIsInSurface = zoneAssignment.filter(x => x.idSensor == sensor[0].id);

        if (sensorIsInSurface.length > 0) {
            this.zoneAssignment = this.fullZonenResponse.zoneInSurface.filter(x => == sensorAssignment[0].idZone);
            return this.tooltipContent = this.zoneAssignment[0].description;
            return this.tooltipContent = "";    

Here is a snapshot showing its normal behavior:

And another one demonstrating its erratic behavior:

Your assistance in troubleshooting this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

After some troubleshooting, I managed to solve the issue myself!

The culprit was the ngx-bootstrap tooltip being dynamically added to my DOM. I resolved this by including the "container='body'" attribute, ensuring the tooltip is appended to the correct element.

Here's the updated snippet of my HTML:

<tr *ngFor="let y of yArray">
      <td *ngFor="let x of xArray" container="body" [style.background]="getBackground(y+1,x+1)" [tooltip]="getTooltipContent(y+1,x+1)" placement="bottom">
          {{ setBerechnung(y+1, x+1).messwert}}&nbsp;

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