Adjust the font size based on the dimensions of the container

I'm currently working on a script that dynamically sets the font-size based on the container's dimensions and the length of the text.

This is what I have implemented so far.

    window.onload = function () {
    var defaultDimensions = 300;
    var boxWidth = window.innerWidth / Math.floor(window.innerWidth / defaultDimensions);
    var boxes = document.getElementsByClassName('feed');
    for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
        boxes[i].style.width = boxWidth + 'px';
        boxes[i].style.height = boxWidth + 'px';
var getFontSizeStatus = function (text) {
    var chars = 250; // Maximum Characters
    var height = 300; // Default Height
    if (text.length < chars) {
        chars = text.length;
    if ((window.innerWidth / Math.floor(window.innerWidth / height)) < height) {
        height = window.innerWidth / Math.floor(window.innerWidth / height);
    height = (height / 10) * 8; // .feed-text height is 80% of .feed's height

    var size = height / chars;
    return size + 'em';

You can find the full code on this fiddle link.

The current implementation is functional, but some adjustments are needed to ensure the font-size aligns better with the container's dimensions and text lengths.

Answer №1

One potential solution could be utilizing a jQuery plugin such as fitText

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