The Width of Material UI Divider

Currently seeking a method to increase the line thickness of the Material UI Divider, whether by stretching horizontal lines vertically or stretching vertical lines horizontally.

I have reviewed the documentation for Material UI v5 on

Despite checking the API, there does not seem to be an attribute available to adjust the Divider's "Thickness."

Various attempts with inline styles specific to Material UI v5 have been made:

<Divider sx={{height:"15px", fontSize:"50px", width:"50px", fontWeight:"bold", padding:"15px"}}/>

Regrettably, none of these attributes have successfully altered the "thickness" of the line.

In search of a solution tailored to the Material UI v5 Divider component specifically. Preferably without resorting to creating a Box component and applying inline sx attributes or custom classes to said Box component.

Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To adjust the thickness of the divider, you can modify the CSS property border-bottom-width:

<Divider sx={{ borderBottomWidth: 5 }} />

If you need a vertical divider, use the following code:

<Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem sx={{ borderRightWidth: 5 }} />

You can also customize the thickness of the divider using styled():

const StyledDivider = styled(Divider)(({ thickness, orientation }) => ({
  ...(thickness !== undefined &&
    (orientation === "vertical"
      ? { borderRightWidth: thickness }
      : { borderBottomWidth: thickness }))
<StyledDivider thickness={10} />
<StyledDivider orientation="vertical" flexItem thickness={10} />

Answer №2

Now that's one hefty lad

<Separator styling={{ borderBottomWidth: '45px' }} />

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