- Angular JS efficiently loads scripts and styles that are error-free and ready to load, avoiding any loading errors later on.
- If the size of an image is large, it will likely load slowly as high-resolution images tend to have slower load times.
- Consider using local versions of external scripts and styles like fonts, jQuery, or frameworks to enhance site speed.
- Local servers such as XAMPP and WAMP operate based on system speed, making it difficult to determine performance until you reach the production stage.
- Using a minified version can indeed improve performance.
As an alternative approach:
Major websites like Facebook, Yahoo, and Google utilize site loaders to verify if all site content has loaded before displaying it.
When working with JavaScript, ensure all scripts are updated and avoid using outdated functions.
Regularly check for errors in the console.
Try to limit the number of images used on your website.
I hope this information proves helpful.