The website is not optimized for mobile viewing

I have recently made an existing website responsive using Twitter Bootstrap. Everything seemed to work fine when I tested it by resizing the browser window, as it perfectly fit in the viewport. However, upon checking the site on mobile and tablet devices, it reverted back to the default desktop layout. Despite adding the meta viewport tag and respond.js, the responsiveness issue persists. I am unable to pinpoint why the site is not adapting properly to specific mobile devices.

Can anyone assist me with this problem? Unfortunately, I cannot provide a code preview here as I am unsure of where the exact issue lies.

You can view my demo site here.

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is due to:

<meta content="width=1024" name="viewport">

To resolve this problem, simply change it to:

<meta content="width=device-width" name="viewport">

By removing the second meta tag with width=1024, you should be able to proceed smoothly :)

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