The website appears as I envisioned it when using Raw HTML, but when implementing Django, a strange blank space materializes within the for loop

<div id="Project" class="bg-white fnt-white brdr project-div ">
        <div class="float-left image-for-project-container brdr">
            <img src="{% static './Images/manworking.webp' %}" alt="manworking"  height="630px">

        {% for project in project_details %}
        <div class=" project-container inline-block ">
            <h2 class="text-center fnt-black head-portfolio">
            <p class="margin-auto txt-portfolio roboto hover-orange fnt-black">
            <a href="#" class="buttons read-more fnt-black">Read More</a>
{% endfor %}

Challenge: When generating project containers dynamically from Django model, each container creates an unintended margin or indentation as shown in the attached image. How can I resolve this issue?

This code snippet is presented without any associated CSS stylesheet. Viewing the HTML standalone shows no issues, but when integrated with Django to display dynamic content, a gap appears between containers. An image illustrating the problem can be found here: (

Answer №1

Inline block's vertical-alignment is set to the text baseline, this is why the bottom text, the 'Read More' links line up. To make them align at the top, you will have to set vertical-align:top to the project-container class.

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