The TypeScript error reads: "An element is implicitly assigned the 'any' type because an expression of type 'any' cannot be used to index a specific type."

[Hey there!][1]

Encountering this TypeScript error message: { "Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type '{ 0: { image: string; title: string; text: string; }; 1: { image: string; title: string; text: string; }; 2: { image: string; title: string; text: string; }; }'.",}. TS7053

Curious about where I should include my interfaces or maybe if they are needed at all?

this part is emphasized setCurrent(carouselData["data-Testimonials")])

trying to figure out how to update them. It's puzzling, considering I'm still new to coding with just a month of experience.

My Code for managing carousel::

interface CarouselCardProperties {
   image: string;
   title: string;
   text: string;

export default function Testimonials() {
   const carouselData = {
       0: {
           image: tobi,
           title: "I no longer have to howl at the moon to call for my lady !!",
           text: "Tobi ~ Vancouver, Canada",

       1: {
           image: girly,
           title: "With Enrico going on dates, we have more time to ourselves!",
           text: " Gina ~ Rome, Italy",

       2: {
           image: loveshades,
           title: "I no longer have to worry about staying clean, I kitties licking me every night.  I have Love Shades on.",
           text: " Princess ~ Georgia, USA",

   const [current, setCurrent] = useState(carouselData[0])

   const [active, setActive] = useState(0)

   const handleSetClick = (event:any) => {


   return (
           <Img src={current.image} />
               {Object.keys(carouselData).map(index => (
                       onClick={(event:any) => handleSetClick(event)}
                       key={index} />


Answer №1

What is the purpose of using the data-Testimonials attribute?

You can simplify by passing the index directly to handleSetClick:

const handleSetClick = (index: keyof typeof carouselData) => {

return (
       <Img src={current.image} />
           {Object.keys(carouselData).map(index => (
                   onClick={() => handleSetClick(index)}
                   key={index} />

Answer №2

The following code snippet

const carouselData = {
    0: {
        // ...

initializes the carouselData object with numerical indices. However, you are accessing it using"data-Testimonials")
, which can have any type.

To ensure type consistency, it is recommended to strongly type your event parameter so that"data-Testimonials")
returns a string type. It is then advised to redefine carouselData with string indices like this:

const carouselData = {
    '0': {
         // ...
    '1': {
         // ...

Avoiding the use of any type whenever possible is generally preferred in order to prevent such problems.

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