Reduce the dimensions of a CSS attribute automatically

Displayed below is the image with a width of 192 and height of 109:

<a href=""><img alt="" class="thumbnail" height="109" src="" width="192"></a>

Incorporated within the image is a .playWrapper that superimposes a play button. The issue arises when viewing on mobile or other devices where the image size changes but the .playWrapper width remains fixed since it has to be set manually. Even after attempting width: auto;, the desired effect was not achieved. How can I ensure that the width of .playWrapper adjusts dynamically based on the image width?

Below is the CSS code for playWrapper:

.overlay .playWrapper{opacity:0;position:absolute;z-index:1;top:0;width:192px;height:109px;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.6) url("") no-repeat scroll center center/50px 50px}

Answer №1

To create a responsive design, consider setting the width and height of the image and playWrapper using percentages instead of fixed pixels. For instance, replace width:192px; with something like width=10%; in the css. By determining the screen size and finding a suitable width and height for the image, you can calculate the percentages that will maintain its appearance on different screen sizes. Apply these percentage values to both the image and playWrapper to ensure they are consistently sized. Because percentages adjust based on screen size, this method should help your design adapt smoothly. Best of luck with implementing this solution!

Answer №2

When dealing with an absolutely positioned element that is relative to another element (its parent), it is recommended to avoid using specific height and width values. Instead, consider using

top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;

If you don't want the element to completely cover its parent, you can adjust these values to a specific pixel measurement. For example, you can create an element that spans the variable width of its parent but is only 30px high at the bottom:

.your_overlay_element {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  height: 30px;

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