The styling for the border and background of an HTML tag

html { margin:0; padding:0; background-color:#006600; border-style:solid;  } /*Dark Green*/
body { margin:0; padding:0; background-color:#660000; border-style:dotted; } /*Dark Brown*/


I'm curious about why the background color of the HTML tag extends the full window, while the border style of the tag remains confined just outside the body box border.

Answer №1

By adjusting the height and width accordingly, you should be able to resolve your issue.
Try experimenting with different values for both height and width

If you're interested in learning more about the HTML versus BODY element in CSS, check out this link: Understanding the HTML versus BODY Element in CSS

The html and body elements are separate block-level entities, forming a parent/child relationship.
The height and width of the html element is determined by the browser window.

The body element is typically position:static, meaning that any positioned children are relative to the coordinate system of the html element.

In most modern browsers, the default offset from the edge of the page is achieved through a margin on the body element, not padding on the html element.

We hope this helps clarify things for you.

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