The styled-components seem to be having trouble injecting the necessary CSS to handle all the various props

I am curious to understand the potential reasons for styled-components not injecting all the necessary CSS into a page's header.

In an existing project, I have defined a simple button like this:

const Button = styled.button`
    background-color: ${props => props.disabled ? "red" : "blue"}

And used it in the following way:

render() {
    return (
            <input value={this.state.value} onChange={this.changeValue} />
            <Button disabled={this.state.value === "123"}>Button</Button>

Initially, the button displays correctly (e.g. as red), but it fails to switch to blue when the state changes.

Upon inspecting the generated HTML, I noticed that the 'blue' style (.hqrbog) is not being injected into the header.

<style type="text/css" data-styled-components="jiLefI" data-styled-components-is-local="true">
     /* sc-component-id: sc-bdVaJa */
     .sc-bdVaJa {}

<div data-reactroot="">
    <input value="12" class="drop-val">
    <button class="sc-bdVaJa hqrbog">Button</button>

This code works perfectly fine in a new app created with create-react-component, but encounters issues in the existing project.

I suspect that there might be an issue related to webpack or babel configuration affecting how styled-components injects CSS into the header. However, I'm uncertain where to begin investigating.

Answer №1

Consider changing the name of your attribute from disabled to a different term.

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