Is there a way to keep my fixed footer container from moving while zooming in and out on a webpage

Is there a way to prevent the bottom text from shifting when zoomed in or out on the page? The rest of the content remains stable, but due to using position:absolute for this section to stay at the bottom of another div (content), it causes movement.

#content {
border: 2px solid;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #999999;

#bottomsectioncontainer {
<div id="container2" style="width:1300px; height;975px; margin:auto">

<div id="content" style="background-color:#ffffff; height:975px";>


<div id="bottomsectioncontainer" style="height: 5px; margin:auto;">

<div id="bottom1" style="width: 250px; float:left">

<h4 class="h4"> Example </h4>
<p class=bottompara>One thing <br>
Two Thing<br>
Three thing<br>
Four Thing<br>
Five Thing<br>


<div id="bottom2" style="width: 250px;float;left">

<h4 class="h4"> Example </h4>
<p class=bottompara>One thing <br>
Two Thing<br>
Three thing<br>
Four Thing<br>
Five Thing<br>


<div id="bottom3" style="width: 250px; float:left;">

<h4 class="h4"> Example </h4>
<p class="bottompara">One thing <br>
Two Thing<br>
Three thing<br>
Four Thing<br>
Five Thing<br>





Answer №1


Adding this code in #content will solve the issue

Furthermore, it's important to eliminate the height:5px declaration from bottomcontainer

Answer №2

.main-content {

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