The scroll function triggers even upon the initial loading of the page

Trying to solve the challenge of creating a fullscreen slider similar to the one described in this question, I created a jsfiddle (currently on hold)
Despite knowing that scrolling too fast causes bugs and that scrolling both ways has the same effect, my main issue is that upon page load, it automatically scrolls once.
The code snippet utilized for this attempt:

var leftImg = document.getElementsByClassName('left');
var rightImg = document.getElementsByClassName('right');
var cur = 0;
for (i=0; i<3; i++){
    leftImg[i].style.zIndex = rightImg[i].style.zIndex = -(i+1);

window.onmousewheel = changeImage();

function changeImage() {
  leftImg[cur] "-100%";
  rightImg[cur] "100%";
    window.onmousewheel = changeImage; 
  if(cur === 3) {
    cur = 0;
for (i=0; i<3; i++){
    leftImg[i].style.zIndex = rightImg[i].style.zIndex = -(i+1);
}, 3000);
  window.onmousewheel = preventDefault;

The persistent question is: Why does this behavior occur?

Answer №1


No requirement for the loop or TimeOut

var cur = 2;
var zIndex = -1;

window.onmousewheel = alterImage;
function alterImage() {

    var leftImg = document.getElementsByClassName('left');
    var rightImg = document.getElementsByClassName('right');
    leftImg[cur] = "-100%";
    rightImg[cur] = "100%";
    if (leftImg[(cur + 1) % 3] === "-100%") {
        leftImg[(cur + 1) % 3].style.zIndex = rightImg[(cur + 1) % 3].style.zIndex = (zIndex);
        leftImg[(cur + 1) % 3] = rightImg[(cur + 1) % 3] = "0%";

    if (cur === -1) {
        cur = 2;


View example

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