The scroll() function in jQuery does not bubble up

Recently, I encountered an issue with a Wordpress plugin that displays popups on scroll. The code I currently have is as follows:

    //display popup

The problem arises with a particular website that has specific CSS rules in place:

html, body {
    overflow: hidden;

div#pageWrap {
    overflow: scroll;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

Due to these CSS rules, the scroll event is not triggering on the window, causing the popup not to work. In such cases, should I set the scroll event on the #pageWrap div instead of the window because the scroll event doesn't propagate as expected:

    //display popup

My main concern is whether it's possible to handle this dynamically. It's not feasible for me to modify the plugin's code for each site facing this issue. Is there a way to make the scroll event propagate or establish a fallback solution? Any insights or suggestions on how to tackle this would greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

While I can't guarantee that every edge case will be covered, this solution should address the majority of them.

Here is the JavaScript code snippet:

jQuery.fn['any'] = function() {
     return (this.length > 0);

if (jQuery("html").css('overflow') == 'hidden') {
    if (jQuery("body").css('overflow') == 'hidden') {
        var scrollElement = jQuery('*').filter(function() { return jQuery(this).css('overflow') == 'scroll'; });
        if (!scrollElement.any()) {
            var scrollElement = jQuery('*').filter(function() { return jQuery(this).css('overflow-y') == 'scroll'; });
                //display popup
        else {
                //display popup
    else {
            //display popup
else {
        //display popup

Check out the demo on JSFiddle

Answer №2

While there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution to this issue, there are some potential alternatives worth exploring.

One approach that comes to mind is identifying the div element with the attribute (overflow='scroll') and dimensions that closely match those of the window.

If multiple such divs exist, prioritizing the one with the greatest depth in the DOM would be advisable.

In cases where no qualifying divs are found, jQuery(window) could be a viable alternative for addressing the issue.

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