CSS code causing issues with table cellpadding functionality

I am currently working on a webpage that is utilizing a pre-existing stylesheet. This particular stylesheet includes the following style rules:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

th, td {
    padding: 0;

My challenge arises when I attempt to create a table with cell paddings greater than zero while staying within the constraints of the existing stylesheet:

<table cellpadding="10">
    <td padding="10">

Unfortunately, all attempts to override the default stylesheet settings have failed resulting in no cell padding being applied.

What alternative approaches can I take to modify the stylesheet without resorting to using an entirely different one?

Answer №1

You have the option to style elements in two different ways:

<td style="padding: 10px">

First, you can apply inline styling like the example above. Alternatively, you can assign a class to your table and create a rule for it:

<table class="table">

Here is an example of how you would write the CSS for this specific case:

table td {
    padding: 10px;

Answer №2

It's important to provide a more specific selector for your CSS styles, such as:

table td {
    padding: 10px;

This will take precedence over the following styles:

th, td {
    padding: 0;

For further information on CSS specificity, you can visit this link.

Answer №3

Simply include the required styles directly:

<table style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px;">

By doing this, you can eliminate the need for padding="10" on the td. Check out a functional example at http://jsbin.com/exovat/edit#html.

If you prefer not to inline the styles, another option is to use your own custom stylesheet that loads after their stylesheet. Assign an id to the table like <table id="foo">, and then override their styles in your custom stylesheet as follows:

table#foo {
    border-collapse: separate;
    border-spacing: 10px;

[Note: The border-spacing css property may not be supported by IE7 or earlier versions; for compatibility with those browsers, consider using alternative methods]

Answer №4

One option is to implement inline styles (styles declared directly on the element), inline stylesheets (styles declared in the same page but not on elements themselves), or external stylesheets. However, it's worth noting that CSS styles typically take precedence over attributes in many cases (attributes like those used here may be considered deprecated, suggesting the use of stylesheets instead).

Answer №5

To achieve a unique table design, you can create a new class specifically for tables and apply it only to the tables where you want this style to be implemented.

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

th, td {
    padding: 0;

table.customTable { padding:10px; }

<table class="customTable">
    <td padding="10">

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