The print preview displays a single div in an incorrect location

I have successfully created a javascript plot and wanted to incorporate a legend that overlaps the plot. Unfortunately, the function I used does not support directly overlapping legends, but it does allow for placing the legend in a separate div. To work around this limitation, I created two separate divs:

<div id="ContainingLegend">
  <div id="VariablePlotLegend">

Therefore, the legend will be positioned within the div named VariablePlotLegend.

Below are the relevant CSS styles I applied:

    text-align: center;
    margin-top: -73px; 
    margin-left: 60px;
    margin-right: 10px;

    padding: 3px;
    border-color: #004790;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-style: solid;
    background: #FFFFFF;
    width: auto;
    display: inline-block;

Although the legend is perfectly displayed on screen, when printed, it appears below the plot on the left side, entirely in black without any borders. This unexpected behavior raises the question - why?

Answer №1

I wouldn't recommend using margins for printing purposes.

Here is an alternative:


<div class='container'>
  <figure id='MyPlotChart'>
    <!-- Insert your plot chart HTML here -->
    <figcaption id='ContainingLegend'>
      <div id='VariablePlotLegend'>
        <!-- Include legend HTML here -->


#MyPlotChart {
  position: relative;
#ContainingLegend {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 15px;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);

By structuring your HTML this way, you maintain semantic correctness and achieve the positioning relationship between figure and figcaption elements that you desire.

Answer №2

Check out the print styles to see if any of your tools are optimizing the appearance for printing purposes. Investigating print styles using Chrome

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