The presence of ng-show dynamically adjusts the minimum height of a div element

I am encountering an issue with a div that has the class of wrapper. Inside this div, there is a parent div with the class of content-wrapper. The wrapper div includes a conditional directive ng-show which toggles between displaying or hiding its content.

<div class="wrapper" ng-show="firebaseUser">
   <% include ../partials/nav.ejs %>
   <div class="content-wrapper">
   <% include ../partials/footer.ejs %>

The content-wrapper has been styled to fit the entire screen using CSS. I have also included the CSS styles for the parent elements.

.wrapper {
    min-height: 100%;
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

.content-wrapper, .right-side {
    min-height: 100%;
    background-color: #ecf0f5;
    z-index: 800;

However, when I toggle the ng-show, the screen extends beyond the window height, causing scrollbars to appear. Upon inspecting the element on page load, I noticed it is assigned a style of min-height: 532px;. When adjusting the window height without refreshing the page, the style changes to min-height: 422px;.

Interestingly, if I remove the ng-show directive, the screen fits perfectly within the window dimensions without any issues. I attempted using ng-if as an alternative, but it resulted in the screen appearing unusually short and compact.

I am seeking assistance in understanding why ng-show is affecting the layout and how I can resolve this scrolling issue.

P.S. My attempt at using ng-if worsened the problem by making the entire screen appear much smaller than expected.

Answer №1

If you are new to Angular and coming from a jQuery background, I highly recommend checking out the article Thinking in Angular for jQuery Developers to better understand the differences.

Answer №2

It's hard to say for sure if Angular is the culprit in this situation.

After examining your CSS, it appears that the parent element must have a height set to 100% in order for the child element to inherit the full height of its parent.

.wrapper {
    height: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

.content-wrapper, .right-side {
    min-height: 100%;
    background-color: #ecf0f5;
    z-index: 800;

For further insights, check out this informative article

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