The positioning of the second wrapper in absolute does not match the behavior of the first wrapper

Working with CSS can be tricky, especially when dealing with nested navigation elements. I am facing an issue where the styles that work perfectly for one dropdown menu do not function as expected for subsequent nested navigations.

My objective is to display the nested navigation directly below the dropdown selection.

Even though I am using Bootstrap 4 for this project, the navigation setup is quite customized.

The .nav-center-nested class is being utilized for both the first and second nested nav, but the styling seems to behave differently on the second one.

You insert the unique rewritten JavaScript code here.

This is some information embedded into a snippet of JavaScript code suitable for front-end development frameworks like jQuery.
You plug in completely new uniquely written CSS rules here following the similar pattern shown.

These are sample CSS snippets created for customized styles compatible with popular design libraries such as Bootstrap.
<Include links to necessary external resources or scripts if required.>

<Additional HTML markup can be inserted here for better context upon viewing visual layout previews.>

Question How can I reposition the nested navigation to appear below the drop-down menu? Also, why does the color not apply correctly when I add the kuguar-sport-color class to the nested navigation?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!


Answer №1

I have made adjustments to the nested sub-menu by placing it inside the nav-btn-margin with a relative position and added the inner-dropdown class for the sub-menu.

Please try out this solution and leave a comment if you need any further assistance.

$(document).ready(function() {
    const toggleSpeed = 50,
        toggleFade = "slow";

    // JavaScript code here
CSS code here
HTML code here

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