Conceal YouTube upon opening any model or light box

I have a YouTube video in the center of my page, and when I click on any link from the side navigation, a lightbox appears. However, in IE, the lightbox is behind the YouTube video. I have tried setting the Z-index, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to hide the YouTube video when the lightbox is opened?

Thank you in advance.


    CKEDITOR.dialog.add('youtube', function(editor) {
        return {
            minWidth: && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? 368 : 350,
            minHeight: 240,
            onShow: function() {
                this.getContentElement('general', 'content').getInputElement().setValue('')
            onOk: function() {
                var id = params_from_url("v", this.getContentElement('general', 'content').getInputElement().getValue());
                var text = '';
            contents: [{
                label: editor.lang.common.generalTab,
                id: 'general',
                elements: [{
                    type: 'html',
                    id: 'pasteMsg',
                    html: '<div style="white-space:normal;width:500px;"><img style="margin:5px auto;" src="'+CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath('youtube')+'images/youtube_large.png')+'"><br />''</div>'
                    type: 'html',
                    id: 'content',
                    style: 'width:340px;height:90px',
                    html: '<input size="25" style="'+'border:1px solid black;'+'background:white">',
                    focus: function() {
    function params_from_url(name, url)
        name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
        var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&]*)";
        var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
        var results = regex.exec( url );
        if( results == null )
            return name;
            return results[1];

Answer №1

When embedding your YouTube video as an object, be sure to specify the wmode as opaque

<object height="390" width="480" wmode="opaque">

This simple adjustment should resolve any related problems.

Alternatively, you can choose to hide certain elements that are prohibited when your thickbox is activated.

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