The pictures are not appearing on my local website

After completing the following steps:

  1. Node.js was successfully installed
  2. In the command prompt, I entered: npm install http-server -g
  3. Navigated to my website files located in cd user/me/local
  4. In Google Chrome, I typed: localhost:8080

Upon opening my HTML file in localhost8080 to view my website, I noticed that all the images were missing. In my HTML file, I included:

<img  src="imagens/karla.jpg" />
However, it seems that my C drive cannot be accessed resulting in no images being displayed. I attempted using
<img  src="http://localhost:8080/imagens/karla.jpg" />
but the issue persisted. Interestingly, the link http://localhost:8080/imagens/karla.jpg worked and displayed the image.

It's worth mentioning that when testing my website on Visual Studios, everything functioned properly. My localhost8080:

EDIT: Actually, all is well now. It turns out that my dark mode extension in Chrome had turned all my images black... my apologies

Answer №1

For a comprehensive look at the code, try using the "inspect element" feature by pressing ctrl+shift+i on your keyboard. Once in the developer console, navigate to the sources tab where you can easily identify the image extension.

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