The padding of elements changes accordingly as the dimensions (width/height) of the header are adjusted

Currently, I'm tackling the challenges of working on my website and trying to understand JavaScript better.

I am facing an issue where I want my aside menu's padding to adjust when my header shrinks in height.

Furthermore, at the end of the webpage, I want the header to reset its height, causing the aside menu's padding to also readjust.

I aim to achieve a dynamic movement for my aside menu, synced with the changing height of the header.

This is the code snippet I have developed until now:


var hh = $('header').height();

$('aside').css('padding-top', hh)


Answer №1

In the absence of testing, here is my initial idea. It may offer some assistance or guide you towards the right path!

$(function() {

    var decreaseHeight = 20,
        originalTopHeight = $('header').outerHeight(),
        originalAsidePaddingStart = parseInt($('aside').css('padding-top').slice(0, -2), 10);

    $('body').scroll(function() {

        var scrollDistance = $(this).scrollTop();

        if(scrollDistance > 1) {

                height: (originalTopHeight - decreaseHeight) + 'px'
            }, {duration: 200, queue: false});

                paddingTop: (originalAsidePaddingStart - decreaseHeight) + 'px'
            }, {duration: 200, queue: false});

        else {

                height: originalTopHeight + 'px'
            }, {duration: 200, queue: false});

                paddingTop: originalAsidePaddingStart + 'px'
            }, {duration: 200, queue: false});




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