The Overflow Dilemma of Internet Explorer 6

<div style="float:left; width:50%;">
    div one
    <div style="position:absolute; width:105%">nested element</div>
<div style="float:left; width:50%;">
    div two

In the case where an element exceeds the width of its floated parent, it tends to push down the next element unless applying overflow:hidden on both floated elements, which is not desirable as it hides the overflowing content. Are there any alternative solutions to prevent this issue?

Answer №1

Ensuring that the content inside does not exceed the width of the div is crucial to prevent the elements from being pushed down in this particular situation.

One potential solution could involve applying margin-right: -5% to the positioned div in order to reduce its width within the document flow, while still displaying at 105% width once it is rendered.

Answer №2

Adjust the setting to 100% rather than 105%. Otherwise, it will only be following your instructions as given.

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