Add a pair of assorted div elements to a shared container

I have two different sections with classes named "red" and "blue". By default, these sections are hidden. I want to duplicate them and display them in a single container named "cont". The red button appends the red section and the blue button appends the blue section.

function createRedSection(word){
  var redSection = document.getElementsByClassName('red')[redPos];
  var redClone = redSection.cloneNode(true);
  document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(redClone); = 'inline';
  item.innerHTML = word;

function createBlueSection(word){
 //same as red

Currently, the red sections appear separately from the blue ones regardless of the order in which they were clicked.


How can I make sure that the sections display in the order I clicked them? Whether they are red or blue.


One solution I thought of was to use a common class name and then add the red/blue classes later.

function createRedSection(word){
  var item = document.getElementsByClassName('input-item')[itemPos];
  var itemClone = item.cloneNode(true);
  itemClone.className += " red";
  document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(itemClone); = 'inline';
  item.innerHTML = word;


However, this approach did not yield the expected results. The CSS styling got mixed up.

Answer №1

If you're seeking a JavaScript solution only:


<div class="red input">red</div>
  <div class="blue input">blue</div>
<div id="cont">

<button onclick="redCreator('red');">RED</button>

<button onclick="blueCreator('blue');">blue</button>


.input {
  display: none;
.red {
.blue {


function redCreator(word){
  var red =document.getElementsByClassName('red')[0];
  var redClone = red.cloneNode(true);
  document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(redClone); = 'inline-block';

function blueCreator(word){
 var blue =document.getElementsByClassName('blue')[0];
  var blueClone = blue.cloneNode(true);
  document.getElementById('cont').appendChild(blueClone); = 'inline-block';

Add some numbering lines for clarity and ease of use. Keep coding!

Answer №2

After utilizing jQuery (the version utilized in the fiddle is 1.9.1, but it should be compatible with newer versions), I have created a fiddle:

In this scenario, hidden div contents are extracted and added to the "cont" container in the order they are clicked. By modifying CSS rules, you have the flexibility to adjust the appearance of the divs. The implementation involves a simple series of jQuery functions:

$("#reddiv").clone().show().appendTo( "#cont" )

The provided code is based on your requirements as there wasn't a specific HTML or CSS example available.

I trust this explanation proves helpful! Enjoy your coding session!

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