The onClick event listener is not being recognized when using ReactDOMServer.renderToString

I am attempting to replicate the functionality of this fiddle:

(I also tried this example and encountered the same issue with the onClick handler)

My goal is to make the fiddle compatible with server-side rendering, utilizing ReactDOMServer.renderToString

Here is the call I have:


                <link href={'/styles/style-accordion.css'} rel={'stylesheet'} type={'text/css'}></link>



            <Accordion selected='2'>
                <AccordionSection title='Section 1' id='1'>
                    Section 1 content
                <AccordionSection title='Section 2' id='2'>
                    Section 2 content
                <AccordionSection title='Section 3' id='3'>
                    Section 3 content

The Accordion element code is as follows:

// Accordion component code here...

The AccordionSection component code looks like this:

// AccordionSection component code here...

Although everything seems to be functioning correctly and the CSS is applied, the issue lies in the fact that the onClick event does not trigger. Clicking on the accordion elements has no effect. Can anyone provide insight into why the onClick handler may not be registering in this scenario?

Answer №1

When using React DOM render to string, only the initial HTML is sent as a string without any JavaScript included.
In order to handle JS functionality on the client side, you also need a react router that will attach the necessary JS handlers based on their react-id's. This ensures that the JS code runs effectively on both sides.
For a quick start with universal rendering boilerplate, check out this link.
If you're looking for more information on similar topics, you may find this question helpful: React.js Serverside rendering and Event Handlers

Answer №2

When it comes to server-side rendering with hooks in React components, registering hooks with ReactDOMServer.RenderToString can be tricky. One workaround is to bundle the component on the client using tools like webpack or gulp, and then utilize ReactDOMServer.RenderToString on the server side.

If you're looking for more guidance on this topic, check out this helpful blog post:

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