The Mystery of Blurriness: How CSS Transforms Can Cause Image Quality Loss

What causes an image to become blurry when rotated?

I attempted to rotate an image 90 degrees, but the result is unexpectedly blurry.

transform: rotate(90deg);

This issue occurs in both Firefox and Chrome (other browsers have not been tested).

For reference, here is a JSFiddle link:

Are there any techniques or solutions to reduce the blurriness?


If this issue is specific to a particular computer, here is a link to the image:

Answer №1

You may want to try the code below:

#image {
  -ms-transform: rotate(90deg) translatez(0);
  -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg) translatez(0);
  transform: rotate(90deg) translatez(0);
  margin-top: 50px;
  -ms-transform-origin: 50% 51%;
  -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 51%;
  transform-origin: 50% 51%;

For a demonstration, visit:

Remember to include the necessary prefixes for browser compatibility.

Answer №2

Sometimes the solution is simpler than you think! To ensure your images look sharp when rotated, make sure their width and height are both even numbers. Instead of rotating the parent element, apply the rotation directly to the image itself.

I encountered this issue recently and initially thought everything was fine when rotating 180 degrees. However, I noticed that when rotating 90 degrees, the alignment was off due to the odd number of pixels. This caused the image to try to center itself, resulting in a blurry effect.

Answer №4

To prevent blurriness, it is essential to enclose the image within a separate tag and rotate the parent tag containing it. This ensures that the image will not lose its clarity.


<div class = "rotate_parent">
    <img ...>


    transform: rotate(90deg);

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