The motion of a Wordpress website varies

Whenever I click on the logo of my website, an issue arises where the entire page shifts to the right side and then returns back to its original position. It only requires one or two clicks for this problem to occur, but it is definitely present.

Thank you.

Answer №1

The issue lies not with the page itself, but rather with the way the website is redrawn causing a jumping effect. This suggests that your content is not optimized and is slowing down the load time.

Reflow refers to the process in web browsers where elements are recalculated for rendering the document. It can be a user-blocking operation, so it's important for developers to improve reflow times by understanding factors like DOM depth, CSS efficiency, and different types of style changes. Sometimes, making changes to one element may impact its parent elements and those following it.

You can get a detailed Google Pagespeed analysis of your page here.

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