The mobile page is refusing to scroll, causing all the text to bunch up at the top of the screen

After learning HTML/CSS/Js/PhP over a few months, I recently completed my first website.

I am facing an issue with one of the pages on my website when viewed on a mobile device. The parallax scrolling header image does not scroll either horizontally or vertically. Normally, I would use "inspect element" to troubleshoot such issues, but since this problem occurs on mobile devices, I am unable to figure out why it is happening.

The problematic page can be accessed here:

Answer №1

Eliminate the inline style="overflow: hidden;" from both <body> and <html>

Click on this link for instructions on debugging a mobile site on desktop.

Answer №2

Your page layout includes min-width: 969px in various sections, but the header image is missing this specification. Please remember to add it to .homeSlide .bcg

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