The minmax() function is causing grid items to not wrap correctly

I have been working on creating a responsive web page where the "boxes" automatically adjust to a new row when the browser window is resized. To achieve this, I utilized the following CSS code:

grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr));

You can view the desired behavior in action in the pen linked below.

The example below demonstrates how icons and text wrap to the next row as the window size decreases, maintaining a clean layout.

However, there seems to be an issue preventing this wrapping behavior in my full-page setup; unfortunately, I cannot pinpoint what might be causing it.

If you take a look at the second link, when the window size is reduced, the final div wraps to the next row appropriately, but the other grid items stubbornly remain on the same row. This problem only occurs with the specific styling of the wrapper class.

After some troubleshooting, I discovered that by removing the following CSS properties from the wrapper class, the grid items behave correctly:

.wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 20px;     

If anyone has insights into why having the grid display for the wrapper class is impacting the proper alignment of my grid items, your input would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The wrapping of your grid in the .boxes element is being prevented by larger sibling blocks within the main .wrapper block.

When you apply display: grid to a block, it automatically becomes a grid container. In this case, your .wrapper grid container has only one column, with the minimum width determined by the child element with the largest minimum size. The largest child element is .main-nav ul, which has 4 columns that cannot shrink despite the resolution. Similarly, the .top-container also contains a significant amount of unshrinkable content.

To address this issue, ensure that both .main-nav ul and .top-container are able to shrink as needed.

Keep in mind that for a 1-dimensional layout, Flexbox can be a useful alternative.

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