The menu does not appear when I attempt to right-click on the grid header

  • Is there a way to add a right-click menu to the grid header?
  • The right-click functionality works on Google links, but not on the grid header.
  • Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
  • Below is the code I'm using:

$('body').on('contextmenu', 'a.test', function() {

  document.getElementById("rmenu").className = "show";
  document.getElementById("rmenu") = mouseY(event);
  document.getElementById("rmenu").style.left = mouseX(event);

  document.getElementsByClassName("k-grid-header").className = "show";
  document.getElementsByClassName("k-grid-header") = mouseY(event);
  document.getElementsByClassName("k-grid-header").style.left = mouseX(event);


  window.event.returnValue = false;


Answer №1

The reason for this occurrence is that the event triggers when a.test is right-clicked. To resolve this, modify it to .test and include a test class in the grid header.

Answer №2

The code snippet in the Fiddle is setting a listener on #test, however, the element actually has an id of #test1. This discrepancy needs to be resolved first. After that...

When using

, it returns a collection. If your intention is to set the className = "show" on each element with the class name of k-grid-header, you will need to iterate over them.

The easiest way to achieve this is by utilizing querySelectorAll() because it provides a collection with a forEach() method for iteration:

document.querySelectorAll('.k-grid-header').forEach(el=>{ el.className = ""; //... etc });

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