The margin and width of a div element with the position set to fixed and display set to table-cell are not rendering correctly

Is there a way to keep my .nav-container position: fixed; without creating a gap between it and the .page-content at certain window widths? When I set the position to fixed, a small white line appears between the red background of the .nav-container and the brown border on its right side.

Removing the position: fixed; property resolves the margin issue, but I need the content to remain fixed.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a workaround?

Could utilizing JavaScript to move the content in the .nav-container up and down as the window scrolls be a viable solution to make it appear like the content is not moving at all?

Live link:

relevant css:

#content {
width: 100%;
display: table; }

#index {
  display: table-row; }

#index .nav-container { 
position: fixed; 
background-color: rgba(222, 89, 58, 0.95);
box-sizing: border-box;
padding-top: 2.5rem;
vertical-align: top;
width: 22.6%;
display: table-cell;}

Answer №1

Avoid using table formatting for design purposes, especially when combined with positioning!

Here's a solution without relying on tables:

  1. Delete display: table from #content
  2. Delete display: table-row from #index
  3. Eliminate position: fixed from #index .nav-container

For both #index .nav-container and #index .page-content, follow these steps:

  1. Get rid of display: table-cell
  2. Introduce float: left
  3. Set the height to 100%
  4. Include overflow: auto

Answer №2

Are your page margins and padding set to zero?

Make sure that in your CSS, you have the following code: html, body { margin:0; padding:0; }

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