The location of the footer is not aligned correctly

Recently, I encountered an issue that has left me puzzled. The problem is that the footer on my webpage is appearing between the calendar button and the calendar itself.

Here is a snippet from my calendar.html file:

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block title %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="clearfix">
    <a class="btn btn-info left" href="{% url 'cal:calendar' %}?{{ prev_month }}"> Previous Month </a>
    <a class="btn btn-info right" href="{% url 'cal:calendar' %}?{{ next_month }}"> Next Month </a>
    <a class="btn btn-info right" href="{% url 'cal:event_new' %}"> New Imputation </a>
{% endblock %}

Snippet from base.html:

<div class="wrapper">

{% include "header.html" %}

{% include "menu.html" %}

<div class="content-wrapper">
    <section class="content-header">
      {% block title_page %}{% endblock %}
    <section class="content container-fluid">
        {% block content %}       
        {% endblock %}       
{% include "footer.html" %}

And here's a snippet from the file for the calendar view:

@method_decorator(login_required(login_url='/userprofile/login/'), name='dispatch')
class CalendarView(generic.ListView):
    model = Event
    template_name = 'cal/calendar.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        d = get_date(self.request.GET.get('month', None))
        cal = Calendar(d.year, d.month)
        html_cal = cal.formatmonth(withyear=True)
        context['calendar'] = mark_safe(html_cal)
        context['prev_month'] = prev_month(d)
        context['next_month'] = next_month(d)
        return context

Upon inspection with F12, I noticed that the footer is breaking the layout:

<div class="clearfix">
    <a class="btn btn-info left" href="/calendrier/calendar/?month=2020-6"> Previous Month </a>
    <a class="btn btn-info right" href="/calendrier/calendar/?month=2020-8"> Next Month </a>
    <a class="btn btn-info right" href="/calendrier/event/new/"> New Imputation </a>
<footer class="main-footer">    
    <div class="pull-right hidden-xs">
        Version X.x
    <strong>Copyright © 2019 <a href="#">CONDUENT</a>.</strong> All rights reserved.
</div><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="calendar">

The footer seems to be out of place according to the structure of the page. Let me know if you need to take a look at the CSS or if there are other details needed to address this issue.

My main focus is to have the footer back in its correct position :c

Answer №1

Make sure to specify the endings of the blocks

Callendar.html :

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block title_page %}
{% endblock title_page %}

{% block content %}
<div class="clearfix">
    <a class="btn btn-info left" href="{% url 'cal:calendar' %}?{{ prev_month }}"> Previous Month </a>
    <a class="btn btn-info right" href="{% url 'cal:calendar' %}?{{ next_month }}"> Next Month </a>
    <a class="btn btn-info right" href="{% url 'cal:event_new' %}"> New Imputation </a>
{% endblock content %}

base.html :

<div class="wrapper">

{% include "header.html" %}

{% include "menu.html" %}

<div class="content-wrapper">
    <section class="content-header">
      {% block title_page %}{% endblock title_page %}
    <section class="content container-fluid">
        {% block content %}       
        {% endblock content %}       
{% include "footer.html" %}

also remember to do the same thing for your "menu.html", "header.html" and "footer.html"

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