Positioning elements next to each other in jQuery on mouse over - while also addressing scrolling issues in a div

After tinkering with this interesting concept of mouseover combined with absolute positioning divs on a jsFiddle, I encountered some unexpected results.

The code was inspired by a stackoverflow thread on positioning one element relative to another using jQuery. However, the current code is not yielding the desired outcome. While I can adjust the offset based on absolute positioning (such as subtracting the header's offset), I'm facing difficulties with scrolling positioning. Whenever scrolling starts, the position goes awry. Is there anyone who knows how to solve this issue?

Answer №1

There is a curious phenomenon where the offset().top value in jQuery fluctuates as you scroll through the document. A simple solution is to stick with using the traditional HTML element properties like offsetLeft and offsetTop:

Check out this working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/YpcSe/2/

Here's the code snippet:

$("#m1").mouseover( function(){
    $("#o1").css({ "left": this.offsetLeft, "top":this.offsetTop }).show();
.mouseout( function(){

$("#m2").mouseover( function(){
   $("#o2").css({ "left": this.offsetLeft, "top":this.offsetTop }).show();
.mouseout( function(){

Answer №2

Although I typically dislike answering my own questions, here is the solution I found: I discovered a working solution using jQuery

The main issue was that the element was being inserted in the wrong place. It seemed like the offset wasn't aligning correctly with the page containing scrollbars. This problem can be resolved by adding the element to the parent form (if you want certain buttons to be visible, for example), or even the <body>.

This solution also addressed an issue I encountered with overlapping elements. Picture this: you have one fixed-positioned element E1 and another absolute-positioned element E2 - E1 is a side menu, while E2 is the content area. When trying to show/hide an element upon hovering over a div within the E2 content, and wanting it to overlap E1, it's crucial that the div isn't actually inside the content area. It appears that you cannot overlap into a sibling of E2 that has a fixed position.

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