The link tag cannot be used inside a division element

I am facing an issue with a button that has three different states represented by images. While the button looks great and functions well, it fails to perform its primary function - linking to another document.

Upon clicking the button, no action is initiated. I am unsure whether I need to incorporate javascript or use <input> or <button>.

Although I attempted using the <button> tag, the functionality of the three different states was not successful.

Similarly, utilizing <a id="backbutton"> did not yield the desired results either.

#backbutton{ width: 100px; height:100px; background-image: url('../obrazky/fs/back_up100.png'); }
#backbutton:hover{ background-image: url('../obrazky/fs/back_hover100.png'); }
#backbutton:active{ background-image: url('../obrazky/fs/back_down100.png'); }

<div id="backbutton"><a href="index.html"></a></div>

Answer №1


#backbutton a{display:block;width:100%;height:100%;}

to ensure that the link within the div fills its container.

Answer №2

To keep things simple and tidy, consider removing the div element and instead apply display: block; directly to the link. This will effectively transform it into a block-level element, mimicking the behavior of a div.

<a id="backbutton" href="index.html"></a>

For styling in CSS:

#backbutton { display: block; width: 100px; height: 100px; ... }

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Regarding your additional question: When creating a hyperlink to another document, use an a element with the href attribute pointing to the target document. On the other hand, the button tag and its variations (input with types such as button, submit, reset) are used for defining user actions within the page (e.g., form submission which may redirect to another page).

Answer №3

<div id="returnbutton"><a href="index.html"></a></div>

Looking for something to click on? Give this a try:

<div id="returnbutton"><a href="index.html">Back to Home</a></div>

Alternatively, you can use:

<a id="returnbutton" href="index.html"></a>

Remember to include:


In the returnbutton class.

Answer №4

The content within the a tag is empty. Consider adding a <span style="width:100%"> or similar element to provide some substance.

Update: It appears that relying on this method may not be universally effective. Perhaps try inserting another inline element instead, such as an invisible img.

Answer №5

To solve the issue, consider implementing the following CSS:

#backbutton a { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

The main problem arises from the fact that the <a> tag lacks content, causing it not to occupy any space and making it unclickable. By applying this CSS rule, the link will now expand to fill the entire area of div#backbutton.

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