The jQuery UI dialog stubbornly refuses to close when tapped, yet opens without hesitation

I'm struggling to understand why my dialog boxes are not closing when I tap outside of them. I've tried using different selectors such as document, window, .ikon_picmap, but nothing seems to be working. What am I missing here?

Check out the code here

Here is the JavaScript code:

//Document Ready

// Hiding the modals initially
$( "#p1_box" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });
$( "#p2_box" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });
$( "#p3_box" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });
$( "#p4_box" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false });

// Positioning the modals relative to their triggers
$('#p1_box').dialog({position: {my:'left+5% top+4%',at:'top', of:'.p1'}});
$('#p2_box').dialog({position: {my:'left+5% top+4%',at:'top', of:'.p2'}});
$('#p3_box').dialog({position: {my:'left+5% top+4%',at:'top', of:'.p3'}});
$('#p4_box').dialog({position: {my:'left+5% top+4%',at:'top', of:'.p4'}});

    $( "#p1_box" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#p2_box" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#p3_box" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#p4_box" ).dialog( "open" );

//    Touch Commands
    $( "#p1_box" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#p2_box" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#p3_box" ).dialog( "open" );
    $( "#p4_box" ).dialog( "open" );

});  // End Document Ready

// On window resize (for correct modal trigger placement) - a responsive feature
$(window).on('resize', function(){


}); // End window resize

And here is the CSS code:

.p1 {
color: #0FA0CE;
.p2 {
left: 63%;
top: 21%;
color: #0FA0CE;
.p3 {
color: #0FA0CE;
.p4 {
color: #0FA0CE;
/* Picmap position markers END */

/* Global Non-Responsive Styles */
html {
height: 100%;
/* Don't show the "x" on the diag box */
.ui-dialog-titlebar-close {
visibility: hidden;
.ikon_picmap {
background-color: #bbbbbb;
position: relative;
display: block;

.ikon_picmap img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
/*position: absolute;*/
.ik_p {
cursor: pointer;
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
position: absolute;
font-size: 1em;

Any assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Consider implementing the mouseleave event on .ui-dialog rather than on individual dialog elements like this:


<div id="p1_box" class="p_box" title="Nose">
  <p>This is where the dog breaths from.. pretty neat.</p>
<div id="p2_box" class="p_box" title="Left Ear">
    <p>This is one of the wonderful ears used by this puppy to listen to things.</p>
<div id="p3_box" class="p_box" title="Right Ear">
    <p>Make sure he doesn't hear you out of this ear..</p>
<div id="p4_box" class="p_box" title="Toy">
    <p>A much needed thing for a puppy.  Probably shouldn't have a puppy without a toy.</p>


           .dialog('close'); // p_box is the element for which the dialog opens

Also, ensure that you only call the dialog function once for multiple properties like so:

   autoOpen: false,
   position: {my:'left+5% top+4%',at:'top', of:'.p1'}

Check out the JsFiddle link for reference

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