The Jquery .remove() function will only take effect after the second click

I am currently working on implementing a notifications feature using bootstrap popover. The issue I am facing is that after a user clicks on a notification, it should be removed. However, for some reason, it requires two clicks to actually remove the notification - nothing happens on the first click. I have confirmed that the click listener is firing by using alert() statements.

To simplify the problem, I have created a basic example in this js fiddle:

$('body').on("click", ".popover-body .notif-popup-container", function() {
  $("#" + $(this).attr("id")).remove();

I have included the code snippet above as it is required, but the main issue can be seen in the provided fiddle link.

If anyone has an idea of what might be causing this issue and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you!

Answer â„–1

It appears that the issue stems from the popover library creating duplicate elements with identical Ids. To resolve this, consider updating your code to prevent such conflicts and ensure smooth functionality:

$('body').on("click", ".popover-body .notif-popup-container", function() {

Answer â„–2

To remove the specified div, you can utilize the code snippet below:

$(document).on("click", ".notif-popup-container", function() {

Answer â„–3

After some investigation, it was discovered that when a popover is used, a duplicate of the elements is created and displayed. This makes it impossible to remove the elements using only their ID, as the original hidden element on the page is removed first, followed by the copy shown in the popover. Special thanks to @Gabriel for bringing this to light.

The workaround found was simply not to rely on the id attribute of the element, which proved to be unnecessary in this case. Instead, using $(this).remove() successfully removes the desired elements.

Regarding the issue of duplicate ids: Initially, the plan was to store the notification id in a "data-id" attribute. However, attempting to retrieve "data-id" with jQuery resulted in an undefined value, leading to the decision to use the "id" attribute instead. Perhaps @Gabriel can shed some light on why "data-id" was returning undefined, indicating a possible connection to the popover behavior.

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